Sunday, April 27, 2008

What Became Of Tawnee Stone

Xorn "What-and faciendo loans to Africa?" UAR d'Asturies. Proyeición of the film "Babel." Dining

The prósimu llunes, 28 d'Abril, CS Sestaferia nel will project the movie "Babel", nel Marcu de les Primeres UAR Xorn d'Asturies, comprising ciclu nun film which bears títulu xeneral "What faciendo, and loans to Africa?".

The proyeición ENTAM a les 6 pm, and admission ye llibre.

Darréu ponémosvos a short synopsis of the film.

Nes llonxanes desiertu sands of Morocco sounds that triggers disparu d'Riestra random events that will be used to connect to a na estauxunidense pareyja lluch desperate to survive, colos two Moroccan boys responsible involuntary accident, crucian nanny illegale Méxicu border with two Nenos xaponesa estauxunidenses and deaf and rebellious teenager on cuyu father weighs an orderly search and arrest. Worse luck to them vast distances and cultures as they separte antagóniques that these four groups of people share a destin d'aisllamientu and pain. Namai suffice few s'alcuentren Díes that missed the dafechu pa, nel desiertu got lost, you lost mundiu pal, you lost pa I mesmos, as well as advance hacia'l abismu edge of the confusion and mieu, which merge to tiempu profundidaes tions of them rellaciones and love.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Generator I Nthe Rain


sábadu Esti, d'April 26th, from 14 hores them, there will be a high nueu nel veganu local organizáu Association in Collaboration tail títulu Spelt and people individually. As always, the dining preciuos ye llibre, Asin you and you decide how much can and intend to contribute pa cover the cost esti d'dining room.

Alcordáivos l'bring oil usáu tenge per household, that pa los puedo usalu compañeras d'Skanda them and make you pa mueve a su truck. No matter the qualities and thickness esti d'oil, already dealing n'Escanda filtralu and make fools of processes necessary pa usalu power as fuel.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Fluorescent Socks 80s

Xorn "What faciendo, and loans to Africa? UAR d'Asturies. Proyeición of the film "The Constant Gardener."

He prósimu Llunas, 21 d'Abril, it proyectaráse CS Sestaferia the film "El Constant Gardener," he Primers newspapers Marcus de les d'Asturias UAR, which consists of a film that CICLU lleva as títulu xeneral "What faciendo, and loans to Africa?".

The proyeición ENTAM a les 6 pm, and admission ye llibre.

Darréu ponémosvos a short synopsis of the film.

Nun remotu place in northern Kenya, most dedicated al'activista brutally murdered in the area, the brilliant and passionate Tessa Quayle (Rachel Weisz). A local mélicu l'accompanied Fuxe and ye too paez indicate that a crime of passion. Sandy Woodrow (Danny Huston), Sir Bernard Pellegrin (Bill Nighy) and the other members of the so Británicu Comisionáu Altu viudu que'l convinced of Tessa, l'ambiciosu peaceful and little Justin Quayle (Ralph Fiennes) is dexar l'asuntu tions their manes, but so mui equivocaos. L'diplomáticu professional equilibriu swung to lose the Muyeres which he loved. Those two people so opposite each other and esfrutaben atraíense d'un happy matrimoniu. The memories that xunión emburrien d'Justin to claw one determined by the first time na personal and professional life. Poles Perseguíu feríu remorse for Ruxe-ruxes of them alleged infidelidaes of its Immigrants, Justin mesmu Llanza sorpréndese to follow a dangerous odyssey. Bon decided lClean nome of its Muyeres and "finish what qu'ella ENTAM. consiguilo Pa, there may learn to marches furrula Forcier how the pharmaceutical industry, as Tessa tobacco on the verge of discovering a escándalu and Viax per two continents in search of truth. Nun will take into account the esistance Dasse d ' lletal as a conspiracy so common that d'innocents killed and put his in pelligru.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Can You Transfer Biolife Money To Bank Account

Conciertu in sofitu to Sestaferia nel Oremus

This nuechi a les 21 hores, nel Bar Oremus (C / Institutu, 18, Gijon) conciertu of Jer grupu Flatulens in the CS Sestaferia sofitu. Esti grupu ye'l Taba person playing when municipal police and had to suspendese the folixa in social lluch sofitu to them in Colombia, that being Cabu tábemos nel Centru. For agora'l grupu fae a folixa in sofitu nuestru by choice, which mui d'ye thankful.

entry e of Baldr, and the raffle will dalgunes coses grupu surprise Perres pa giving them the proceeds from this raffle Social Centru. Pola

later Sestaferia projection film Hate (La Haine). Sedro a les 18 hores.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

How Long Does It Take Before Margarita Mix Freeze

Charra on regasification d'El Musel

prósimu vienres Esti, 18 d'abril, will have local Llug Sestaferia nel, a les 20h., A charro on future Regasificadora d'El Musel.

The charro, Tara accompanied by graphics proyeición and Semey, cargu shall be members of the public platform "Regasificadora NON!" tá na Enxerto that, d'you love a guerrilla band of groups and associations, Social Centru Sestaferia.

N'acabando the charro, there will be a local pinchéu nel at crawling distance, and will have a preciuos llibre and voluntariu. Tolos recaudaos funds go to this platform destinaos citizen.

Friday, April 11, 2008

How Much To Have A Bathroom Fan Installed

Xorn "What faciendo, and loans to Africa? UAR d'Asturies. Proyeición of the movie "The Last King of Scotland." Extension

The prósimu llunes, 14 d'Abril, CS Sestaferia nel will project the movie "The Last King of Scotland", nel Marcu de les Primeres UAR Xorn d'Asturies, comprising film ciclu nun which bears títulu xeneral "What faciendo, and loans to Africa?".

The proyeición ENTAM a les 6 pm, and admission ye llibre.

Darréu ponémosvos a short synopsis of the film.


Per an incredible pirouette of fate, a Scottish mélicu (James McAvoy) on a mission destacáu n'Uganda Melica is inreversiblemente enredáu with one of the most barbaric of mundiu personaxes: Idi Amin (Forest Whitaker .) Pola Impresionáu brazen attitudes of Dr. Garrigan nun momentu of crisis, the new president autonomáu d'Uganda, Amin, elíxely as personal mélicu como'l íntimu his confidant. Garrigan anque principiu afalagáu and sit at your nueu puestu fascináu pol, nun, and later n'abríse dudes to xabazismu d'Amin and his own complicity n'él. L'horror and betrayal chase when Garrigan tries to right the mistakes and fuxir d'Uganda alive.