HISTORY OF THE GREAT SURVIVOR We are currently at a critical stage for work, see friends, acquaintances being the sector that are, or are unemployed or fear for their job because every day they see as his companions are being dismissed by their companies.
want to tell the story today is my personal story. For a long time I have wanted to have it not seen as unusual, but seeing the employment landscape, where you read a newspaper if you are getting creepy
news about the harsh reality that whole families are living after losing their jobs and being in debt.
about a year ago and three months to finish the race Documentation of
, and of course, at that time you're in no man's land, do not know where to look, where to go ... But I during the final year was plowing my future starting a company to work for a companion documentary, I was in the company
approximately 6 months, six months were hard, with little return, until I was offered a contract research for the University of Granada, and of course, accepts, not my vocation to be a researcher, but it was something that would keep me. To all this, I do not stop sending
curriculum companies, applying for grants, to look every day Gazettes that interested me with pages of organizations, agencies and companies that could
provide jobs in my profile.
This was a result, I was called to begin a training grant of 8 months in the Historical Archives of Ciudad Real, was
not much, not a hopeful future, but offered me 8 months of economic stability and employment for I accept. Let Granada and I went to Ciudad Real, but it still does not stop sending
curriculum, reading every day in official gazettes of looking at the pages of organizations, agencies and companies that could provide jobs to my profile, not stop studying an agenda that structure for me competitions, which allowed me to introduce myself to three processes of local opposition in different organisms, but had no results, Approve Approve all, but always or got jobs, third, fourth or fifth.
One day, looking at the number of pages that look daily
found that Valdepeñas
City (Ciudad Real), wanted to create a job for Library Assistants, I no brainer
twice I present, results were that I stayed 5 in the bag, I dislike a lot, because my feeling was
that must have taken more notice, but well, I agree.
What is my surprise that on October 16 received a call from
Valdepeñas City to begin work on October 17 at the library, I had to decide everything in a matter of minutes, I decided to leave the file (I still had two months scholarship), had no chance to continue working on it. The contract I have in the library is only one month is no big deal, not a very stable future that we say, but I do not want to lose hope and I think I can and want to renew.
to end my current situation is that I'm working in the City Hall Public Library
Valdepeñas, still studying for exams libraries and archives, because it can not be raised tomorrow, well in this course will study the specialist in
Archives "offered by UNED
, and at night I go to an English academy.
Everything is necessary and nothing is too much to be competitive in these difficult times, but I think I can not complain one way or another, the first year after finishing my career has been a little moved but still working on one side or another and have not stopped studying and shapes. So tell those who are similarly situated to tell them not to lose hope, but things do not come alone, we must continue searching, studying, and if you can be working.