This time we apply the less is more: less but high quality items.
The unique and delicious cupcakes @ quieroposh accompanied by a fresh flower arrangements were part of this stylish table that is mounted to a bachelorette party. Hope you like
was not easy, hard starting, very hard:
hair stand on end, but this was only shown the yellow card.
continued to be tough, but we go to our first opportunity to Sergio Ramos, all got up from his chair:
But they clearly used their only weapon, and we feared the worst, until it appeared San Iker Casillas:
But all were a team, none would be more than anyone, all they played the Dutch with their rough play left them, were the best at defense, midfield and forward:
All for a Manchego Manchego Castilian, from Albacete to be more precise, whatever it 4 minutes from the end of the prologue obtain the prize, the prize we all dreamed, score a goal worth the WORLD CUP:
Lloramos,reimos, saltamos, nos abrazamos, sentimos que toda la presión que habiamos tenido desde el inicio del mundial se acababa, porque llegaba la hora de que nuestra selección levantara el trofeo más ansiado por todos y allí estaba Iker Casillas para hacerlo, disfrutarlo de nuevo:
Y no solo todos estabamos esperando ser campeones del mundo, tambien estabamos esperando este momento, tenía que pasar, porque la COPA DEL MUNDO no cambia a las personas, y Casillas es así:
Y como colofón, the cup is at home, have arrived and have enjoyed all the football fans in Spain:
From here, my tribute to all those guys, that all we would have been, those world champions who have demonstrated that by working and playing well will get the dreams we both crave.
This day is theirs, they earn and the glory forever remember them, but now can not help but remember so many athletes at all levels of sport who have achieved feats as important as this, it WORLD CHAMPIONS have proclaimed in their sport, because Spain is great at sports and are living unforgettable moments. Not as much information store to tell my grandchildren all that we live.