Vienres The Xueves and we have the presentation of proyectu Xorn of Associative Llibreria Sestaferia. This Llibreria Associations would be that, if we get a determináu númberu partner / s, the $ 10 monthly fee to pay, 3 pa would be a "fondu" personal. A final year at sociu d'/ a 36 euros pa would we spend them-selves materials that provide the Distributor that we nel Centru (shirts, music, free; etc ...). The amounts d'euros may vary depending on númberu partner / s we get to the end of the campaign leading alantre loans in Sestaferia pa get that to Xenta Xuna more proyectu of Social Centru.
Dientro d'estes Xorn presentation, we xueves 22 tail how much the Xenta d'Eguzki Bideoak, which is at crawling distance to its present us the proyectu. I will be at 19:30, with entrance free; as always, and will project an on Okupación VideU realizáu by colectivu estimated.
The dual activity at crawling distance from tail Llibreria rellacionada Associations. Taran with us Periódicu Xenta the Diagonal, and the Editorial Virus, that they would present us at crawling distance from the projects. And esi mesmu day 23 popular gazebo, a les 22 h, a preciuos of 8 euros. The benefits are pa arbor d'estimated expenditure pol desplazamientu d'Estes ocasionaos people (shared with Cambalache dalgunos cases) and PAL mantenimientu and local expenditures Sestaferia. We hope your presence how much cola.
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