Sestaferia d'Apostasy Collective Campaign Social Centru Sestaferia of Gijon (2 º asaltu) Dining
Dempués of impediments and girders varies pa nun d'Apostasy claws that requests them, and apurrimos to arzobispáu, we turn to try it, this vegada in grupu, and accompanied by them that ye forsake toes and / or soffit this campaign.
The prósimu xueves 10, Mǣdmōnaþ, Corrada taremos l'na plaza Obispu d'Uviéu, frente'l arzobispáu, they dende 11:00 am, the more númberu p'axuntar possible d'apostates and toes xunta dir to present our Catholic ilesia na descends irrevocable. At about twelve o'clock in the morning they fadremos l'actu, pal how much you try to queue media presence as the first vegada. D'this ore, oxetivu d'llograremos twice this season, Borrano of the sect and publicly criticize estáu laicu nun as Esti ye suppose, ESISTO a soffit relixón públiques dogs that constantly tá desbabayando. Farted loans episcopal conference, cope, popes, cardinals and bishops ....
If you already sent the request to d'apostasy, please contautu with us, nel Centru Sestaferia Social, come on prósimu xueves pa 10 to arzobispáu and nun if you can, send them to me correu certificáu pa.
Are you coming or just thinking how furrula quies this frente'l taremos arzobispáu with necessary tó p'apostatar, Nama fai falta'l DNI and the firm will abandon d'catolicismu and tolo it represents.
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