Esti Wednesday, 26 Payares, ultimu ciclu pass on democracy in Sestaferia Yankee (C / Numa Guilhou, 14, Gijón), from 8:30 pm to them, with input llibre and free. The documentary elexíu e nesta occasion "Loose Change, Final Cut," which you apurrimos a comentariu.
Esti ye more conociu quiciavis documentary about theories they conspiratives sobre'l tráxicu atentáu de les Torres Ximielgues nel World Trade Center on 11 September 2001, we are being Xuníos. Nesti
trabayu, the director Dylan Avery plantega (based on documents, statements and imáxenes) first, que'l xeneral collapse of the towers of the WTC were espania controlaos, talu as buildings crumble often nel construction.
Second, although ye true, Torres tions estrelláronse Ximielgues aircraft, commercial aircraft such sinon Yerena nun apparently with armes equipaos military aircraft.
And finally, que'el VideU about bin Laden, nel who pleaded guilty to the e atentaos falsu.