Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Car Model Abbreviation

Proyeición "Loose Change: Final Cut"

Esti Wednesday, 26 Payares, ultimu ciclu pass on democracy in Sestaferia Yankee (C / Numa Guilhou, 14, Gijón), from 8:30 pm to them, with input llibre and free. The documentary elexíu e nesta occasion "Loose Change, Final Cut," which you apurrimos a comentariu.


Esti ye more conociu quiciavis documentary about theories they conspiratives sobre'l tráxicu atentáu de les Torres Ximielgues nel World Trade Center on 11 September 2001, we are being Xuníos. Nesti

trabayu, the director Dylan Avery plantega (based on documents, statements and imáxenes) first, que'l xeneral collapse of the towers of the WTC were espania controlaos, talu as buildings crumble often nel construction.

Second, although ye true, Torres tions estrelláronse Ximielgues aircraft, commercial aircraft such sinon Yerena nun apparently with armes equipaos military aircraft.

And finally, que'el VideU about bin Laden, nel who pleaded guilty to the e atentaos falsu.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

How Long Of A Range Does A Walkie Talkie Have

Proyeición " America freedom to fascism "

Wednesday 19 Payares, ciclu third installment of a documentary on democracy Yankee Sestaferia qu'entamer CS, from 19 hores them with llibre and free entry. Nesta time ye "America freedom to fascism", which you axuntamos a short synopsis:

The producer Aaron Russo embarks Viaxe the naughty nun of their country in search of specific llexislación qu'obliga to U.S. citizens to pay l'impuestu income. This movie left nun ye nin nin rights d'ye into real consideration to gobiernu exahustivu. Spontaneous erosion of their civil Llibert qu'entamer U.S. in 1913 we Tail creation of system fraudulentu Federal Reserve, and fae by Congresistes you interview, former IRS comisionaos (fiscu), former IRS and FBI Axente, d'tax advisers and writers. Russo ata esistance ends the creation of dineru body, l'impuestu federal income, and national d'tarxeta identity, which becomes mayu'l llei in 2008 (DNI Dixital). Esti DNI will use tecnoloxía Radiofrecuencies d'Identification (RFID) microchips by implantaos tarxetes tions, pa usaos qu'esencialmente are devices monitor the Xenta. Esti film shows in great detail fechu l'undeniable that the U.S. as becoming police estáu nun.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Southern Slang To Kill A Mockingbird


Today is the day to travel to Madrid (if you're not there), to make reading your review-board members.

You make a list of opponents and set aside the day established by the court, few opponents will (between 8 and 12) has to perform the reading.

I went to the National Library, the first time I'm at it, do not see much of it, but what I see is huge and beautiful ceilings. We descend to a basement which coincidentally is the museum of the National Library (now have exposure to the life of the book, if the digital format will end the paper.) The courts stuck in a room, call us one by one (in the order of the list) to read the test. The worst of it is to be out and know you're next.

When you call, you enter, you show your ID, and you sit in a chair, with its corresponding table. These face to face, they are (were 10) but you have your test, you have to defend in front of them. Got a water bottle with your drink. I sat down, opened it, take half the bottle and I drank it. Give me the envelope, where is your review, you open it, and you can start anytime. A tip, read slowly, pronounced as if it were an exhibition, but remember this is a reading, you notice when you say something you've written, looks up slightly from time to time to maintain eye contact. You'll be really nervous as they take notes and notes and more notes, you think, suggest good or bad.

When done, it becomes to put the review on the envelope (I drank the remaining water left in the bottle) and gently take my leave. They at no time ask questions, or anything, just listen. My question

now Will I see again the National Library?, hopefully if

Monday, November 10, 2008

How Long Does A Wax Job Last On A Man


The prósimu Wednesday, 12 Payares, proyeición of segundu ciclu documentary about "democracy" Yankee nel Sestaferia CS (C / Numa Guilhou, 14, Gijón).

them will be from 7 pm and during the documentary nesta proyectáu be Zeitgeist. Ye llibre entry and free.


tá estructuráu
documentary in three parts. The first e an Exposition of a miyu cristianismu a astrolóxico-lliterario híbridu. Esti mitu constiúi'l abonáu sobre'l bowling green that can run new myths we blindly believe them pluses and manexaos asina be easier. The second part of the funcionamientu spontaneous propaganda and indoctrination of the media, citizens themselves llogrando more controlaos poles accept their governments.

The third seición fala on the global economy and focusing xeopolítica nel monopoliu of dineru (Xunta financial speculation) and the military gastu.

First part: The largest hestoria enxamás told

first part of the documentary Na descríbense semeyances them relixones antigues qu'esisten body and cristianismu.
Through a series rellacionénse d'events and dates are best known stories Relix astrolóxica queue description that recount exipcios sobre'l god Horus in the form d'hestoria mitolóxica.

Faes emphasized that certain attributes of previous myths and atribuyíos copiaos poles were first Christians to Jesus hestóricu.

To conclude the first part, the film Jesus of Nazareth suxer enxamás esistió nun.

Part II: an e mundiu Tol escenariu

capítulu attempts to show that the September 11th attacks in New York and Mǣdmōnaþ atentaos 7, 2005 in London were in real perpetraos power by dalgún grupu d'EE. UU.

This false flag operation designed to got the secretariats of society estaoxunidense beneplácitu pa ENTAM necessary reforms that will allow a series entamu l'invasion d'Estratexa points such as Afghanistan, Iraq and Iran.

Third part: Nun pay attention to the homes behind the curtain

últimu capítulu Nel detállase'l bancu nacimientu of Central d'U.S. monetariu system evolution and finally the end of the homes assumptions behind the curtain, they would say where the graphical creation of the American Xunión and implementation of RFID chips in people on the planet Tol, until the declaration d'un global gobiernu.

Ye'l onde capítulu from the second mita, specifically nel futuru sobre'l issue of xeopolítica more sway future events ENSIN proyeiciones l'hestóricu analysis.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

M Jak Milosc Odcinki 2010 M Jak Milosc Odcinki?

1. Geographic Location

The primitive city of Caral is located in the left margin of the Supe River, in north-central coast of Peru, near the present town of Caral. From Lima, we arrive at the site following the Pan-American Highway until kilometer 182, where the road which leads to the town of Amber.

2. Extension
The city of Caral was 40 hectares, exceeding in size to the Inca city of Cusco.

3. The discovery of Caral

In 1996, a team of 5 Archaeologists began work at Caral. "The City of the Pyramids', as some visitors have called it consists of more than 32 groups of buildings.

4. Economy

men who built the center of Caral had mixed economy, like that is engaged in agriculture (main activity), fishing at sea and the river, shellfish harvesting and trade or exchange.

The men of those times did not know the currency, thus had as a means to get their products, also known EXCHANGE BARTER.

Caral's men grew peppers, potatoes, squash, fruits and other products, in the narrow margin of the Supe River, fertile land, easily irrigated by short channels taking water from the river or abundant 'puquiales. " These channels are much like the drought that farmers irrigate crops today.

5. The importance of regional integration

Caral were found in a few years ago the remains of a child just over a year.
also found a set of 70 transverse flutes and horns of some 5,500 years old, it's about 32 flutes made of bones of native birds, like condors and pelicans, and decorated with various designs, and 38 horns, made on the basis of bones of deer and camels.

6. The abandonment of Sacred City

Finally, after several centuries of occupation, the inhabitants of the holy city decided to leave, but not before burying all buildings with dense layers of stones, cuts and stones.
No word yet on what happened to this great civilization, but it is speculated that a possible El Niño, caused its decline.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Charging Time Lipo 3,7 V

Proyeición Zeitgeist documentary film" Hacking Democracy "

Payares month estimated the Social Centru Sestaferia (C / Numa Guilhou, 14, Gijon) ciclu ENTAM a documentary about "democracy" Yankee, so cover these Díes pola territoriu cellebración of presidential nesi. Les proyeiciones will be Tolos Wednesday, about them 7, and llibre and free entry.

The first is that of Hacking Democracy, nel that s'espeyen the intricacies of the system curiosu elleiciones estauxunidenses recuentu of them. Equi is a summary pequeñu d'esti documentary 80 minutes:


A documentary that questioned the safety of our U.S. lletrónicu votu. There fae years as nun tol mundiu sinon vote with ballots that are increasingly more maquinoles Wear of votu lletrónicu.

Dellos n'informática Party expert citizens and repeatedly quéxense d'estimation of uncertainty métodu but de les elleiciones motivu llexislatives d'ayeri fízose públicu a documentary qu'argumentaba're duldes.

the documentary presents ASIN:

"This e hestoria d'un pequeñu the citizens grupu dirixíos by Güell Seattle. ENTAM estimated pa Viaxe entruga answer one: how fae america pa how much of their votes?. The e qu'alcuentren secretismu, votes na Basoria and ways to change the hestoria cursu ".......