Monday, November 10, 2008

How Long Does A Wax Job Last On A Man


The prósimu Wednesday, 12 Payares, proyeición of segundu ciclu documentary about "democracy" Yankee nel Sestaferia CS (C / Numa Guilhou, 14, Gijón).

them will be from 7 pm and during the documentary nesta proyectáu be Zeitgeist. Ye llibre entry and free.


tá estructuráu
documentary in three parts. The first e an Exposition of a miyu cristianismu a astrolóxico-lliterario híbridu. Esti mitu constiúi'l abonáu sobre'l bowling green that can run new myths we blindly believe them pluses and manexaos asina be easier. The second part of the funcionamientu spontaneous propaganda and indoctrination of the media, citizens themselves llogrando more controlaos poles accept their governments.

The third seición fala on the global economy and focusing xeopolítica nel monopoliu of dineru (Xunta financial speculation) and the military gastu.

First part: The largest hestoria enxamás told

first part of the documentary Na descríbense semeyances them relixones antigues qu'esisten body and cristianismu.
Through a series rellacionénse d'events and dates are best known stories Relix astrolóxica queue description that recount exipcios sobre'l god Horus in the form d'hestoria mitolóxica.

Faes emphasized that certain attributes of previous myths and atribuyíos copiaos poles were first Christians to Jesus hestóricu.

To conclude the first part, the film Jesus of Nazareth suxer enxamás esistió nun.

Part II: an e mundiu Tol escenariu

capítulu attempts to show that the September 11th attacks in New York and Mǣdmōnaþ atentaos 7, 2005 in London were in real perpetraos power by dalgún grupu d'EE. UU.

This false flag operation designed to got the secretariats of society estaoxunidense beneplácitu pa ENTAM necessary reforms that will allow a series entamu l'invasion d'Estratexa points such as Afghanistan, Iraq and Iran.

Third part: Nun pay attention to the homes behind the curtain

últimu capítulu Nel detállase'l bancu nacimientu of Central d'U.S. monetariu system evolution and finally the end of the homes assumptions behind the curtain, they would say where the graphical creation of the American Xunión and implementation of RFID chips in people on the planet Tol, until the declaration d'un global gobiernu.

Ye'l onde capítulu from the second mita, specifically nel futuru sobre'l issue of xeopolítica more sway future events ENSIN proyeiciones l'hestóricu analysis.


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