Thursday, October 29, 2009


LOCATION The Cerro Colorado deposit in the Paracas Peninsula, located 18km south of the port of Pisco. DISCOVERER

The famous Peruvian scientist Julio César Tello Rojas in 1925. CHRONOLOGY

has two periods: Paracas Caverns (700ac - 400AC).
Paracas Necropolis (400AC - 100AC)

is considered by Taylor as the parent culture of the coast, culture bridge between Chavinoid and Tiahuanaco.
are the best surgeons and textile Ancient Peru.
It is the best preserved mummies in the world.
had beliefs in the afterlife, so mummified their dead. They had as
language: The Pukina. SOCIAL ORGANIZATION

State theocratic rule of a priestly caste.
addition, possibly the first military state of the Andean world.
are going to implement the oppressive system.
is given the existence of a string of ceremonial centers by the priestly caste and now military. Cutural ASPECTS

stressed mainly in textiles and medicine. They
surgery and cranial trepanation.
In short, they are considered the best textiles of ancient Peru. CERAMIC

Paracas Caverns: It was polychrome paint but fugitive, ie dyes after cooking. Influence of Chavín, the drawings of cats prevail. Is incisive and decorated with geometric shapes.
Paracas Necropolis: It was monochrome (creamy) precooking paint. Acalabazada form, sculpture and spherical. Textiles

Paracas Caverns: Bundles funeral. Little development and influence of Chavin.
Paracas Necropolis: Thin coats made of wool, cotton, feathers, hair, vegetable-dyes (Achiote), minerals and animals.
are the best textiles of ancient Peru.
Decorated with geometric figures, as Victoria de La Jara is a likely write (Tokapus), decorated anthropomorphic, zoomorphic, demonic beings.

Considered the best surgeons in ancient Peru, used obsidian tools, used as anesthetics chicha and coca. They made
mummification techniques (belief in the afterlife), cranial deformation with aesthetic and social class differentiation.
trepanning to cure bruises or mental illness.

Paracas Caverns: Tombs ground with a form of long-necked bottle, where funeral bundles placed.
Paracas Necropolis: Cemetery at the surface rectangular. RELIGION

polytheists. The God of water.

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Paracas Nazca Culture Mochica Culture

On the northern coast, expanded by the voucher of the department of Lambayeque, La Libertad and Ancash.

Federico Max Uhle in 1902.

100 AD to 700 AD or so. It is contemporary Nazca, Tiahuanaco and Lima. GENERAL

Its origins are cultural expressions of Salinas, or Gallinazo Viru. Potential impact

Its capital city was in the Moche River basin, where it functioned as a sacred city and ceremonial (seat of government).
Considered the best potters of ancient Peru. Discovery of the Lord of Sipan in 1997 by Walter Alva. SOCIAL ORGANIZATION

class state and military.
were ruled by a warrior priest (Ciequich).
There is a very marked social stratification.
social classes: nobility military (Ciequich) Alaec (subordinate kings), the priestly caste (people with extensive knowledge), people (peasants, artisans and traders), slaves (prisoners of war). ECONOMIC ORGANIZATION

The base was in irrigated agriculture because of low rainfall on the coast.
also on marine and deer hunting.
corn was a culture of better quality. They made
waterworks: channels irrigation, besides the Guano used as fertilizer.

Considered the best potters of ancient Peru, also made an excellent metallurgy, water conservancy, architecture, etc..

valuable information is available on the economic, social and religious life of the Moche, provided by them in his ceramic sculptures. Called
illustrated dictionary, the best potters, was bichrome, sculpture, realistic and documentary. They
painted ceramics.
Huacos erotic (fertility rites).
Huacos pathological (disease).

Using Adobe (marked) made a mold, mud tax.
appear pyramids with ramps and entrances.
Huaca del Sol (Aia PAEG worship God) was the largest in South America.
Huaca de la Luna (cult of the dead) was the most important huaca.
Sipan (Lord of Sipan tomb).

the beheader
supreme God "Aia PAEG (Larco Hoyle.)
is a supernatural being the highest rank magic - religious.
human sacrifices were made.

According Larco Hoyle had a script called pallariforme likely (based on the Pallas). According
Tello are gambling chips.

excel in producing a variety of metallurgy and above all an incredible amount of symbolic emblems and jewelry used in ceremonies by the leaders and eventually were buried with their owner (Sipan).
worked gold, silver, copper and tumbaga (gold alloy - copper).


Video: The Lord of Sipan (Source Explore Film)

was found by the Peruvian archaeologist Walter Alva in April 1987.
Located at Sipan (Lambayeque) in Sipan.
His age would be 1700 years. Mr. died between 30 and 40 years of age from unknown causes.
With him were three women, two warriors, a boy, his dog, two llamas, all buried cane in coffins. In an upper layer was found the mummified remains of one individual who had foot amputees (guardian of the tomb).
currently found in The Museum of Lambayeque.
Its importance is that the tomb was found intact, it is also regarded as the first coffin found in Peru and America.
It is called the "Tutankhamun Peru." (1) --------------------------
(1) Historian Luis Daniel Moran

See more: History Blog Peru>>>

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LOCATION It was developed in the area bounded by the valleys of Chincha, Pisco, Ica, Rio Grande (Nazca), Acari and Valle del Ingenio. DISCOVERER

Federico Max Uhle in 1901. CHRONOLOGY

100 AD. - 700 AD. Or so. GENERAL

Its antecedents remote are in early stages of Paracas - Ocucaje.
Considered the best astronomers and painters of ancient Peru. They had a military state.
base its economy was in agriculture.
Geoglyphs Importance of Nazca. SOCIAL ORGANIZATION

militarist state, aristocratic and warrior. They were headhunters
trophy. Its capital was Cahuachi
, considered as the main administrative and religious center of the Nazca. ECONOMIC ORGANIZATION

based primarily on agriculture.
Like the Moche performed hydraulic engineering due to their habitat very dry.
Considered the best hydraulic engineers of ancient Peru.
were developed in the trade, extending their relationships into the jungle, Ayacucho and the Collao. CULTURAL ASPECTS

excel in ceramics (painters), astronomy (Geoglifos), hydraulic engineering (aqueducts), architecture (Cahuachi). CERAMIC

are the best painters of ancient Peru.
finest ceramics were eminent artists. Technical
abhors a vacuum (total paint).
is polychrome handle bridge divergent beak, globular form. They used more than fifteen

are considered the best astronomers. Evidence
possible Nazca lines, discovered Xesspe Toribio Mejia (1927).
Among the performances are: according to Mejia Xesspe ceques or roads are ceremonial as would a zodiac Paul Kosok Andes, according to Maria Reiche would be an agricultural calendar. Current theory: an area of \u200b\u200breligious rites. ARCHITECTURE

They used the rectangular adobe, are considered creators of the city (Cahuachi, the oldest).
Cahuachi is realized in human sacrifice. RELIGION

supreme God: an anthropomorphic being (Cat, fish and poultry).
were hunter gatherers, hunters of trophy heads.
human sacrifices.

were studied by Maria Reiche.
geoglyphs are plotted in the desert plains.
These sets of lines and fills, triangular and rectangular with more than one hundred drawings in spiral designs ornitomorfos including 18, 10 zoomorfo with representations of fish, a monkey, a spider, a number of anthropomorphic figures and other difficult to identify .

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Video: Tiahuanaco culture, duration 45 minutes.
Source: History Channel

LOCATION The Collao Plateau about 21 km southeast of Lake Titicaca in present-day Bolivia, 4000 meters

The chronicler Pedro Cieza de Leon in 1551.

200 AD. - 1000 AD. Or so.
covers the early and middle part of the Middle Horizon.

GENERAL Tiahuanaco
Meaning: sit huanaco. Taypicala original name.
are potential creators of the ayllu.
theocratic state - a clearing house.
They used the platforms.

Society Social Organization of shepherds and warriors.
theocratic state (rule by priests), settler (expansionist).
They are considered the creators of the ayllu. ECONOMIC ORGANIZATION

The base was agriculture and livestock (over important). We monitor
vertical ecological zones. They created
food resource islands (archipelagos system).
was raised llamas. They made the trade
: used the jerky, potato, bronze.
advanced technology development supported by the use of raised fields (ridge), hydraulic works and the exploitation of the lakes.
used the Waru Waru (chakras high frost). CULTURAL ASPECTS

excel in monumental architecture, sculpture and ceramics. CERAMIC

Polychrome (red, white, orange [is the predominates]).
The ceremonial cup (kero).
zoomorphic vessel (cauldron). Presents
biomorphic shapes, surreal and figurative motifs, emblems become progressively simplified to geometric (the staircase sign). Representations
naturists as pumas, llamas, condors and snakes. ARCHITECTURE

was monumental.
They used copper nails to attach blocks of stone. The monumental architecture
used large stones, carved and polished with great perfection. Tiahuanaco
should form a major center for ceremonies and worship, as well as production management and inter-Andean distribution of seeds and foods.
Blow: Acapana, Kalasasaya Pumapuncu, Temple, Putuni, etc.
The Chullpas have their roots here.

Covers monolithic stone sculptures made of stone, great monoliths with anthropomorphic (Benett, Ponce), smaller sculptures. METALLURGY

Discovery of the bronze (copper alloy with tin). Rolled gold is used. RELIGION

state religion was imposed.
main God, the God of the rods on the cover of the sun: Wiracocha (God of the canes). (1) --------------------

(1) Historian Luis Daniel Moran

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Tiahuanaco Culture Culture Culture Huari Lima

was located between the valleys of Chancay , Chillon, Rimac and Lurin.

CHRONOLOGY 100 AD. - 800 AD. Or so.

dominated by priests and merchants.
Agriculture, is also devoted to fishing.
huaca Existence or ceremonial center of worship.
They made sport hunting. ARCHITECTURE

was monumental, and stepped pyramids used used the adobe.
They performed rituals and business meetings.
built canals and aqueducts. CERAMIC

is divided into three stages:

1. Huacos were simple, painted on a red background with white lines.
2. Tricolor pottery, huacos fine figures of fish, snakes and various lines.
3. Improved ceramic was tretacolor (red, white, black and gray). Textiles

was an important activity.
We found blankets made of cotton and wool from llamas with drawings of interlocking motifs (lines, fish, snakes).

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Huari City was its capital, located 25 km northwest of Ayacucho, near the plains of Quinoa.

Peruvian archaeologist Luis Guillermo Lumbreras in 1969. CHRONOLOGY

700 AD. - AD 1200. About. GENERAL

Huari is the fusion of Nazca, Tiahuanaco with Huarpa (cultural symbiosis).
was a centralized state.
They produced an urban revolution.
Its maximum was Pachacamac oracle.
Regarded as the first empire in ancient Peru. SOCIAL ORGANIZATION

centralized state and expansive.
was Panandina.
fusion is given political power with the magical authority - religious.
Broadcast urban structure and the use of platforms. They are like God
main Wiracocha. They have
Quechua language and ecological control. ECONOMIC ORGANIZATION

The main challenge was to achieve a surplus production to feed the social class linked to production, and storage of supplies.
He became the great market of the Andean world, best place of supply, traffic was kind of forced.
excelled in trade. CULTURAL ASPECTS

produced an urban revolution. Cult
Ceramics in quantities. CERAMIC

Polychrome (cream, red, brown and black). Tiahuanaco
picked up both the iconography and the shape. Of the Nazca
took the brilliance in color. Notable
ceremonial bowls and cups.
Lots of mold-made utilitarian pottery, but increases the amount decreases quality. ARCHITECTURE

made an impressive urban revolution, highlights the urban planning, founded numerous cities named headings region whose objective was control of the subject peoples.
The settlement is home to a large-scale craft production.
Blow: Huari city was a center of worship leadership and management of production, storage place for food and craft production, worked as a market. RELIGION

supreme God, Viracocha, also called visco or weeping God or God of the poles or staves.
built cities oracles: Cajamarquilla, Pachacamac (most important). Textiles

used a method of accounting and control are the possible creators of the quipus (called wrapped).
In the textile art reached levels of excellence.
Fine fabrics, bright colors. They used wires
alpaca and vicuña.
However, all fabrics found belong to the coast in the Andean region because it is difficult to preserve.

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Sicán or Lambayeque Culture

In the valley of Lambayeque

Izumi Shimada

dc. - 1375 AD. GENERAL

Founder Naylamp who at death became the God Bird, the last king was Fempallec. Conquered by the Chimúes
A large gold (the Tumi or Illimo).
At Tumi is considered a "gold Machupichu."
Sicán: means Temple of the Moon.
Religion: God Naylamp.

theocratic state.
Its economy based on agriculture, trade and metallurgy.
wide used in agriculture irrigation system.
made a trade in regional trade and international. Possibly
handcrafted copper hatchet used as currency. CULTURAL ASPECTS

highlighted in gold, in trade and pyramidal architecture.
addition of hydraulic engineering. CERAMIC

monochrome (black gray) highlighted the huaco King (appears Naylamp). ARCHITECTURE

pyramidal architecture.
The large administrative center - cultist corresponding property or Sicán Lambayeque culture was Batan Grande.
Blow: Túcume Apurlec. METALLURGY

reached a high technology. They
copper alloys, gold and silver. Also arsémico bronze. They met
embossing techniques, hammering and casting.
of the remains found, such as El Tumi or Illimo (Naylamp king flying) could be the best goldsmiths of ancient Peru. Consideration
which was attributed to the Chimu (there is little evidence of its metallurgy).

was found in the Huaca Loro is inside the archaeological complex Poma - Batan Grande (Lambayeque). Discovered by Isumi
Shimada in 1989. Mr
Sican was a regional leader Sicán half period (950 dc. - 1150 AD.). Sipan
It differs from the time they were developed, moreover, that Sican was a regional leader while a Sipan local cacique.

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The center is in the Moche valley, with its capital Chan Chan (La Libertad).
Expands from Tumbes to Barranca. DISCOVERER

Federico Max Uhle in 1902. CHRONOLOGY

1200 AD. - 1470 AD. Year in which the Incas conquered and dominated. GENERAL

Considered the best architects of ancient Peru. Chan Chan
Its capital is the city's largest barrra ancient Peru (20 km2).
class state and conqueror. Its founder was Tacainamo
(he of the seas). SOCIAL ORGANIZATION

class state and conqueror.
was a powerful political and social organization.
addition was aristocratic warrior society created by military conquest.
Social classes: The Chimúcapac (paramount chief), Alaec (regional leaders), and yanos (slaves and servants). ECONOMIC ORGANIZATION

Farming was the most important.
Used and constructed large water works such as puquios, wachaques and irrigation.
were cultivated corn, beans, peanuts, chili, cotton and fruit trees (pacae, friar plum, Lucuma, avocado).
Fishing was another key activity for the sustenance in food. They used horses

are the best architects of ancient Peru.
Its supremacy as the best goldsmiths in dispute. CERAMIC

Monochrome, predominantly black. They used profusely
the mold, the technique of haste.
represent animals fruit, human figures, etc. Huacos
-jet black, huacos Whistling. ARCHITECTURE

The best architects of ancient Peru.
is given the maximum urban development, and used the adobe friezes and arabesques (ornaments on the walls). .
Chan Chan (Sun Sun) Chimu capital, considered the largest mud city.
Blow: The strength of Paramonga, The Wall Chimu (66 km).
Chan Chan, considered the largest adobe city

employed the gold, silver and copper.
casting techniques, hammering, soldering, gold, silver, embossed alloy.
made bracelets, nose rings, bracelets, etc. RELIGION

Moon Chimu headed deities and had a temple.
They followed the sun, constellations and the sea.
The sovereign was considered a deity.

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Chimu Culture Culture Chincha

Between the valleys of Canete, Chincha, Pisco, Ica and Nazca. DISCOVERER

Among the scholars have to Federico Kauffmann Doig, in addition to the chronicles of the sixteenth (ethnohistorical source.) CHRONOLOGY

1200 AD. - 1460 AD. About.
class society, were governed by the Chinchay Capac.
economic power based on trade.
are considered the biggest merchants and fishermen of ancient Peru.
used for barter trade and currency (snails were copper hatchet.) CULTURAL ASPECTS

are the best traders and fishermen of ancient Peru.
highlighted in wood carving and sculpture. CERAMIC

Polychrome, used the red clay. Sceneries
with geometric shapes, different characters, stylized birds and fish. Highlights
jars which were globular body, long neck with intermediate loop. Textiles

predominant cotton were the most prominent of the second regional development.

grown by Chincha, were most notable in the coastal cultures. Sculptures
human faces or masks carved in the trunk of huarango.
rudders made of wood. ARCHITECTURE

They used the adobe and rammed earth, had civil and religious function.
monumental architecture.
Blow: Tambo de Mora, The Sentinel, Tambo Colorado, Lurínchincha, San Pedro, The strength of Chuquimanco or Ungaro, Incahuasi.

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Peopling of America

approaches of American settlement state that the most accepted theory is that proposed by Alex Hrdlicka, which supports the thesis that the American man from Asia. It has already been ruled out of Florentino Ameghino autochthonous theory that their evidence is not the time that this scientist stated.

other hand, there are now other theories that provide different routes and similar to those announced by Alex Hrdlicka. Let's look at the ideas and arguments most important of them:

A. Autochthonous theory

Argentine paleontologist (1854 - 1911).
The American man is originally from the Argentine pampas.
America is the cradle of humanity.
monogenists Theory (single source for humans). His tests were
bones (femur, vertebrae, skull segments) belonging to the Miocene of the Tertiary.
also maintains immigration to other continents through intercontinental bridges.
Work: Human Origins silver.
Alex Hrdlicka showed that the skeletal remains were of the Quaternary period, which were prefabricated intercontinental bridges that never existed, that not all the remains were human. ANTONIO LEON

Peruvian president of San Marcos (1590 - 1660).
argued that the Amazon would be the earthly paradise.
Work: The paradise of the New World (1656).


ALEX Hrdlicka
Anthropologist (1869 - 1943). Precursor of the theory
José de Acosta (1540 - 1600).
also called Asian or uniracial theory (A single race peopled America).
is the most accepted theory so far.
The man comes from Asia (Siberia, Mongolia).
used as information via the Isthmus of Beringia (now Bering Strait).
came in waves and at different times. They were Upper Paleolithic (Homo sapiens sapiens).
Other Routes: The Aleutian Islands helped by the current of Kurosh.
His tests were presented Proximity Asia and Latin (90 km) in the field of Behring; The similarities between the natives of America and the descendants of the paleomongólico of Asia, polysynthetic languages \u200b\u200band binders. The last glaciation of Wisconsin was exposed allowed a land bridge called Beringia.
was wrong in the old American man (12.000 years).

MENDEZ Mendez Correa Correa named as the Australian theory of American settlement.
Its central idea is that the American man from Australia.
The way he used were the islands of Tanzania, Auckland, Mcquarl, the frozen continent of Antarctica to the land of fire and from there to Patagonia (This should be an optimal climate).
His tests were: similarity of blood groups, like skull, high resistance to cold, common words, use of fur blankets, beehive-shaped houses, the use of the boomerang, the buzzer, churinga (Instrument musical). PAUL RIVET

theory is the so-called oceanic American settlement. Supported by the French
Paul Rivet (1876 - 1958).
There is a theory opposed to that of Hrdlicka.
We talk about other possible routes such as trans, by which human groups have crossed the Pacific and Polynesian and Melanesian (makes about 3 to 5 thousand years). Then a theory
poliracial (Several breeds populate America).
His tests were: Similar racial, cultural similarities and analogies of language.

ethnologist Thor Heyerdahl Norwegian.
tells us of an approach Rivet reverse.
is, human groups have departed from America to achieve Oceania (Kon Tiki expedition).
His tests were: The Kon Tiki expedition was successful, linguistic and cultural similarities.
also said African white Mediterranean came to our continent through the Atlantic Ocean (expeditions RA I and RA II).

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  • Pease, Franklin (1991) Last Incas of Cuzco. Madrid: Alianza Editorial.
  • Enrique Urbano (1993) Myth and symbolism the Andes. Lima: Regional Studies Ed.Centro Andinos "Bartolome de las Casas."
  • Carlos Villanes (1992) The tutelary gods of the Wanka. Madrid. Ed.Miraguano.
  • Ricardo Palma (1994) Peruvian Traditions. Madrid: Ed.Catedra. Madrid 1994.
  • Josi Alcina (1990) Pre-Columbian Art. Madrid: Akal.
  • AA.VV (1992) The pre-Inca and Inca kingdoms. Barcelona: Ed.Lunwerg.
  • CA Burland (1980) Peoples of the Past: Incas. Barcelona: Editorial Mill.
  • Historian Luis Daniel Moran (2009) The Latin American Research. Buenos Aires - Argentina.

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Blog Authors

  • Students are grouped by number of 5 or 6 access and information available on the Blog.
  • supplement the information necessary for the development of the proposed activity.
  • develop a visual map on Culture drawing that has been assigned.
  • Presented in a brief plenary session (which is by lot: only 2 of all group members present their exposure), and the artwork produced by the group.
  • comments are made presentations using the comment box available in the Blog of each of the papers.
  • are published pictures and videos on the blog of the best work in the classroom.

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degree in education specializing in Social Sciences degree from the National University of Education, currently working in the school Saco Oliveros, serving as Professor of Geography.

has worked in various prestigious institutions in Lima and provinces, Finalist Digital Master Virtual School organized by the educational resource Backus 1oociamanía and creator of the Pedagogical Portfolio Blog education.

Bachelor in Education Specialty of History and Geography of the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos
has worked in different schools of Lima at both the Secondary and Pre - University, teaching courses in Social Sciences (History of Peru and Universal)

participated in the training of electoral actors in general and municipal elections of 2006 as a facilitator and election specialist departments of Cajamarca and Puno

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  • History Sources


III. Pre-Inca cultures
  • Mochica Culture
  • Nazca Culture
  • Lima Culture
  • Chimu Culture
  • Tiahuanaco Culture