Sunday, December 21, 2008

Computer Desk Dual User


Now that students are on vacation, we are more relaxed (or so he assumes), also have the great fortune to work, to develop their professional work within the scope: librarian, archivist, librarian, research , teaching ...

dates arrive

relaxation time of peace, good times of happy reunions, ultimately more free time than usual. Lest you aburrais I suggest that you see a very funny series, very entertaining, with lots of content, and dashes are very deep.

This series is "Biblioteka" channel. Neox, is one DTT channel Antena 3, this series can not be described in detail for being so strong in their arguments, would be a lengthy post, but summarizing , is a group of young (not very well as choose), where as they do not know what to do, go to the library to do to one another unpleasant tasks, for example rip the nose hair, hit with a rubber band in the face, explode in the back 10 balloons to kick ... and thus (the writers really have to break your head too much.)

This is where I go, can not go to a goat pen, the room of their homes, they have to go to a library, where clear this, every time they make one of their own, make noise, as shown in foreground and close-up, the librarian do not know you paint it?, because if you guessed: older woman with glasses, mustache and scowl, commanding silence with the typical honomatopeya send silence siisssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss. I like, I wonder, why you want to see him, they also enjoy it.

I do not know if these programs are good or bad, because they say that even negative publicity is profitable, but in this case distorts things, I imagine that a boy reaches a / a professional library and say where do these little things, because he has seen on TV. If it has not happened yet, it happened. With these things we see someone could tell me why would a library serves?, What gives services, is it useful to society, is it profitable to invest in them?. They are very easy to answer questions, but hacerselas people outside the room and the library profession, what do you think will respond?

Monday, December 15, 2008

Cannot Play Undf On Vlc

Proyeición "Three Rooms of Melancholia"

Esti prósimu Wednesday, 17 d'Avientu, the ANU last proyeición CS Sestaferia nel. Pa close the season, we design, from les 7 pm and llibre and free entry, "Three Rooms of Melancholia," which you axuntamos a pequeñu comentariu. Three

Rooms of Melancholia Esti
documentary shows tola Honsakalo Pirjo filandesa devastation that the fires in Tornu to conflict in Chechnya. It is divided into three documentary "stay" and have as Protagonist elles toes to Nenos.
The first episodiu - "miss" - e chronicles the daily life national military academy in Kronstadt, near St. Petesburgu. Dicir anque to green, more qu'otra orfanatu paez a thing. Les brief interventions n'off voice mention the nouns, ages and family history of small soldaos. Most come from dysfunctional families, alcoholic parents, abusive, or Cenciella indixentes ... pa tiempu ENSIN care for their lenges. Na academia l'routine Algamar the babies some stability, but nun hai qu'escaecer how being entrenaos pa na fight endless war.
Which brings us to Grozny, capital of the republic of Chechnya. Na second stay - "Alenda" - filmed in blancu and Negru but less poignant than the first one devoted to Muyeres Nenos recoyer to the ruined building. Nesta occasion about three young nun may be attending your ma pola, seriously ill. L'últimu episodiu
titles "remember." The campus of refuxaos d'Ingushetia lets us see how the conflicted lives otru Llau the border. In nuevu, as a nation first hand, are the Protagonist d'güérfanos this hestoria.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Herpes Virus On The Forehead


Has anyone proven to enlist a personal page or a web page on a free server?

It's very striking to say, 1 GB of free space for your personal page or create your website.

But I take a morning after trying to create a personal page and upload the page in a free server, try on three different servers, and what I see are error pages, all I've got to do is create these two sites :

- personal page gossips
pedro - website (school sports paradise) I've also got

upload a photo to an image server, while not serving very well for these types of servers, I looks like something that is no longer used, but I'm not sure, because I take very useful in itself.

- image server image

Monday, December 8, 2008

Austin Kincaid Mpeg Free

Proyeición "Buenas noches, Ouma"

Esti Wednesday, October d'Avientu, CS Sestaferia nuea proyeición nel. From 19:30 we will see "Good Night, Ouma, a documentary ellaboráu by Fernando Leon de Aranoa and is about the babies Soldau d'Uganda.

ye llibre entry and free. GOOD NIGHT Ouma

falls nuechi
When Munch Nenos Dellos walk miles to the city so they refuxos to avoid guerrilla secuestraos Exércitu pola's Resistance (LRA). Call them "night walkers" (night commuters). The boys spend the nuechi us Alboreca refuxos and return to them their cases. Asina avoid being capturaos pol LRA. Calculations us 20 years more than 20,000 guerrillas Nenos were secuestraos pola pa convert them into Nenos Soldau or casu nel of them babies, sexual n'esclaves. The guerrillas prefer the babies because they are obedient nun can protest and faces with them what you want. Nenos Perpocos escaped and what d'horror hestories rellaten brightest deeds. As he says nel documentary, sicolóxicamente destruyíos. Nuechi mieu have to, because I get nightmares Sueñu cabbage, tions that they reappear imáxenes fighting and the abuses they were subjected pin their captors. Fernando León recueye the testimony of the young men who go to sleep peacefully refuxos pa and Tami power of those who were Nenos Soldau and managed to reconcile Tovia Sueñu nun. Toos pelligru associate the nuechi al. The wisdom of them were lots d'ye pa shape. It encomiable'l llabor of those trabayen p'ayudalos to get over with cariñu, understanding and dedication. Munch more than they ever receive from your gobiernu nun.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Burpee Aristocrat Cooker 1901699 Date Made

OPPONENT (Cataloging)

I've reached my goal, and finished my journey through the world of competitions. As usual and expected, if you are not prepared to fund a competition, do not expect miracles.

all started on November 15 in Madrid at the National Library, where I went for the second year of the opposition consisted of 5 exercises, you had to categorize two monographs, a journal, a sound recording, a video.

When you enter, you begin to know the most because they had already seen in the previous test, all arriving with suitcases, but do not wear clothes, what they wear is: the CDU, Marc format (two volumes), catalocación rules and list of subject headings.

enter for examination in a huge room, very well docorada with frescoes on the walls and ceiling, and rows of tables (desks) where we are placed as we are passing. To perform the test will give a number of copies of each of the specimens to be cataloged, with the leaves needed to make a catalog, but one thing happens, there are details like the number of pages, dimensions, and other similar data that are not in the copies, so at the center table of the room is a copy of each of the documents to catalog.

This is new, not what I expected, because there is only one copy of each document, originating queue to view the original qu and is at the center table. This is wasting time and not left to lose this very time, you have 3 hours to catalog all, ie just over half an hour for each document. And I can assure you that since they have been this year to catalog the documents, do not spare no time, indeed, you are missing, leaving me to hear the phrase that was, "I have not had time to finish", and you know what that means, that next year we are there again.

To enter marc format codes (because we have cataloged in Marc), give you a template for every document cataloged, with more or less structured code, so you use the boxes that you think necessary.

But everything ended on 3 December, where the official communication, only the names of those approved, and mine is not.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Canb Disqualified In The Navy For Having Herpes

Proyeición "Turtles Can Fly"

Esti Wednesday, March d'Avientu, will be Llug Sestaferia nel CS (C / Guilhou Numa, 14, Gijon) the proyeición of the film "Turtles Can Fly", the first proyeiciones d'a series of armed conflicts on children and that they have Llug Avientu d'esi months.

ENTAM Pass a les 7 pm, and admission and free e llibre.


d'un pueblín The people of Iraqi Kurdistan border agency na Iran and Turkey, desperately looking for a satellite dish l'pa got news about an imminent attack on Iraq Xuníos Tarry. A mutiláu Mozu that comes d'otru pueblu sister and a tail Nenu pequeñu, has a premonition of war closer ta ...

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Car Model Abbreviation

Proyeición "Loose Change: Final Cut"

Esti Wednesday, 26 Payares, ultimu ciclu pass on democracy in Sestaferia Yankee (C / Numa Guilhou, 14, Gijón), from 8:30 pm to them, with input llibre and free. The documentary elexíu e nesta occasion "Loose Change, Final Cut," which you apurrimos a comentariu.


Esti ye more conociu quiciavis documentary about theories they conspiratives sobre'l tráxicu atentáu de les Torres Ximielgues nel World Trade Center on 11 September 2001, we are being Xuníos. Nesti

trabayu, the director Dylan Avery plantega (based on documents, statements and imáxenes) first, que'l xeneral collapse of the towers of the WTC were espania controlaos, talu as buildings crumble often nel construction.

Second, although ye true, Torres tions estrelláronse Ximielgues aircraft, commercial aircraft such sinon Yerena nun apparently with armes equipaos military aircraft.

And finally, que'el VideU about bin Laden, nel who pleaded guilty to the e atentaos falsu.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

How Long Of A Range Does A Walkie Talkie Have

Proyeición " America freedom to fascism "

Wednesday 19 Payares, ciclu third installment of a documentary on democracy Yankee Sestaferia qu'entamer CS, from 19 hores them with llibre and free entry. Nesta time ye "America freedom to fascism", which you axuntamos a short synopsis:

The producer Aaron Russo embarks Viaxe the naughty nun of their country in search of specific llexislación qu'obliga to U.S. citizens to pay l'impuestu income. This movie left nun ye nin nin rights d'ye into real consideration to gobiernu exahustivu. Spontaneous erosion of their civil Llibert qu'entamer U.S. in 1913 we Tail creation of system fraudulentu Federal Reserve, and fae by Congresistes you interview, former IRS comisionaos (fiscu), former IRS and FBI Axente, d'tax advisers and writers. Russo ata esistance ends the creation of dineru body, l'impuestu federal income, and national d'tarxeta identity, which becomes mayu'l llei in 2008 (DNI Dixital). Esti DNI will use tecnoloxía Radiofrecuencies d'Identification (RFID) microchips by implantaos tarxetes tions, pa usaos qu'esencialmente are devices monitor the Xenta. Esti film shows in great detail fechu l'undeniable that the U.S. as becoming police estáu nun.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Southern Slang To Kill A Mockingbird


Today is the day to travel to Madrid (if you're not there), to make reading your review-board members.

You make a list of opponents and set aside the day established by the court, few opponents will (between 8 and 12) has to perform the reading.

I went to the National Library, the first time I'm at it, do not see much of it, but what I see is huge and beautiful ceilings. We descend to a basement which coincidentally is the museum of the National Library (now have exposure to the life of the book, if the digital format will end the paper.) The courts stuck in a room, call us one by one (in the order of the list) to read the test. The worst of it is to be out and know you're next.

When you call, you enter, you show your ID, and you sit in a chair, with its corresponding table. These face to face, they are (were 10) but you have your test, you have to defend in front of them. Got a water bottle with your drink. I sat down, opened it, take half the bottle and I drank it. Give me the envelope, where is your review, you open it, and you can start anytime. A tip, read slowly, pronounced as if it were an exhibition, but remember this is a reading, you notice when you say something you've written, looks up slightly from time to time to maintain eye contact. You'll be really nervous as they take notes and notes and more notes, you think, suggest good or bad.

When done, it becomes to put the review on the envelope (I drank the remaining water left in the bottle) and gently take my leave. They at no time ask questions, or anything, just listen. My question

now Will I see again the National Library?, hopefully if

Monday, November 10, 2008

How Long Does A Wax Job Last On A Man


The prósimu Wednesday, 12 Payares, proyeición of segundu ciclu documentary about "democracy" Yankee nel Sestaferia CS (C / Numa Guilhou, 14, Gijón).

them will be from 7 pm and during the documentary nesta proyectáu be Zeitgeist. Ye llibre entry and free.


tá estructuráu
documentary in three parts. The first e an Exposition of a miyu cristianismu a astrolóxico-lliterario híbridu. Esti mitu constiúi'l abonáu sobre'l bowling green that can run new myths we blindly believe them pluses and manexaos asina be easier. The second part of the funcionamientu spontaneous propaganda and indoctrination of the media, citizens themselves llogrando more controlaos poles accept their governments.

The third seición fala on the global economy and focusing xeopolítica nel monopoliu of dineru (Xunta financial speculation) and the military gastu.

First part: The largest hestoria enxamás told

first part of the documentary Na descríbense semeyances them relixones antigues qu'esisten body and cristianismu.
Through a series rellacionénse d'events and dates are best known stories Relix astrolóxica queue description that recount exipcios sobre'l god Horus in the form d'hestoria mitolóxica.

Faes emphasized that certain attributes of previous myths and atribuyíos copiaos poles were first Christians to Jesus hestóricu.

To conclude the first part, the film Jesus of Nazareth suxer enxamás esistió nun.

Part II: an e mundiu Tol escenariu

capítulu attempts to show that the September 11th attacks in New York and Mǣdmōnaþ atentaos 7, 2005 in London were in real perpetraos power by dalgún grupu d'EE. UU.

This false flag operation designed to got the secretariats of society estaoxunidense beneplácitu pa ENTAM necessary reforms that will allow a series entamu l'invasion d'Estratexa points such as Afghanistan, Iraq and Iran.

Third part: Nun pay attention to the homes behind the curtain

últimu capítulu Nel detállase'l bancu nacimientu of Central d'U.S. monetariu system evolution and finally the end of the homes assumptions behind the curtain, they would say where the graphical creation of the American Xunión and implementation of RFID chips in people on the planet Tol, until the declaration d'un global gobiernu.

Ye'l onde capítulu from the second mita, specifically nel futuru sobre'l issue of xeopolítica more sway future events ENSIN proyeiciones l'hestóricu analysis.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

M Jak Milosc Odcinki 2010 M Jak Milosc Odcinki?

1. Geographic Location

The primitive city of Caral is located in the left margin of the Supe River, in north-central coast of Peru, near the present town of Caral. From Lima, we arrive at the site following the Pan-American Highway until kilometer 182, where the road which leads to the town of Amber.

2. Extension
The city of Caral was 40 hectares, exceeding in size to the Inca city of Cusco.

3. The discovery of Caral

In 1996, a team of 5 Archaeologists began work at Caral. "The City of the Pyramids', as some visitors have called it consists of more than 32 groups of buildings.

4. Economy

men who built the center of Caral had mixed economy, like that is engaged in agriculture (main activity), fishing at sea and the river, shellfish harvesting and trade or exchange.

The men of those times did not know the currency, thus had as a means to get their products, also known EXCHANGE BARTER.

Caral's men grew peppers, potatoes, squash, fruits and other products, in the narrow margin of the Supe River, fertile land, easily irrigated by short channels taking water from the river or abundant 'puquiales. " These channels are much like the drought that farmers irrigate crops today.

5. The importance of regional integration

Caral were found in a few years ago the remains of a child just over a year.
also found a set of 70 transverse flutes and horns of some 5,500 years old, it's about 32 flutes made of bones of native birds, like condors and pelicans, and decorated with various designs, and 38 horns, made on the basis of bones of deer and camels.

6. The abandonment of Sacred City

Finally, after several centuries of occupation, the inhabitants of the holy city decided to leave, but not before burying all buildings with dense layers of stones, cuts and stones.
No word yet on what happened to this great civilization, but it is speculated that a possible El Niño, caused its decline.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Charging Time Lipo 3,7 V

Proyeición Zeitgeist documentary film" Hacking Democracy "

Payares month estimated the Social Centru Sestaferia (C / Numa Guilhou, 14, Gijon) ciclu ENTAM a documentary about "democracy" Yankee, so cover these Díes pola territoriu cellebración of presidential nesi. Les proyeiciones will be Tolos Wednesday, about them 7, and llibre and free entry.

The first is that of Hacking Democracy, nel that s'espeyen the intricacies of the system curiosu elleiciones estauxunidenses recuentu of them. Equi is a summary pequeñu d'esti documentary 80 minutes:


A documentary that questioned the safety of our U.S. lletrónicu votu. There fae years as nun tol mundiu sinon vote with ballots that are increasingly more maquinoles Wear of votu lletrónicu.

Dellos n'informática Party expert citizens and repeatedly quéxense d'estimation of uncertainty métodu but de les elleiciones motivu llexislatives d'ayeri fízose públicu a documentary qu'argumentaba're duldes.

the documentary presents ASIN:

"This e hestoria d'un pequeñu the citizens grupu dirixíos by Güell Seattle. ENTAM estimated pa Viaxe entruga answer one: how fae america pa how much of their votes?. The e qu'alcuentren secretismu, votes na Basoria and ways to change the hestoria cursu ".......

Friday, October 31, 2008

Pokemon Heart Gold U Patch

miss folixa Nun (1 Payares, 19 h. CSOA The Reflexón)

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Excess Cm After Ovulation


addressing the issue of our profession, today I have been a question

"when your grandmother with the wisdom and love that characterizes you question "why you're studying pa serving it, that you explain for her to understand"

Recorcholis, lightning and lightning, that I can tell you, because you consider right, has some work more or less established and very Known throughout history, so has it easy. We can get by saying:

"to be a librarian or archivist grandmother"

These professions also are very famous and absolutely all know what they consist of, so I understand, but we'd be honest with this response and we are taking away from us over the question. For what it is like a librarian 30 years ago now? Does the same functions?. We all thought, of course not. Well, explain these changes to your grandmother to understand what they are investing 5 years of your life, or are you working.

Because our profession is so great, our world is so abstract in the sense that we have everything yet we have nothing, if not used well, we are the beginning and the end, the base of the new knowledge created , which was created and that will be created in the future, our profession has helped aid and medical help heal our grandmother, our profession has collaborated, collaborates, and collaborate with sociologists who study the habits of life of our grandmothers, and create guidelines to be believe Organiser and organizations that make life easier for the elderly such as nursing, home of the pensioner, a school for senior citizens ...

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Do Slenderize Drinks Work

Can you read? SCIENTISTS are doped

When we think that services offered by libraries or information centers, we know that the loan of books or reading room, of course, but what else?. All this is because there are still people who think that users an actual library are those who can read and non-users are those who can not read, when you hear something, you consume the moral. Because then the illiterate, do not have room in the house of information. "

think that in this world and the 21 st century, we all have opportunities to learn what we want, so that people who had no opportunity to learn to read nor write, this is the century and these must be their libraries, what like people who can read are at the right time and go to a library that is in the appropriate site to learn any skill related to the information. Demos

the value of, and let's use are our

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Weddingseat Chart Idea

all know in case of drugs that are taken by some athletes to perform better, and said some, because we can not say that everyone does it, why not get caught, but my theory on this is that organizations sports accept a minimum level of performance-enhancing drugs for athletes, and all will go up to that minimum, but some are more ready and passed, and so play the lottery. It's like the issue of alcohol for driving.

But this is not the issue tonight, M80 casually listening to radio, at 8, had a newsletter (I did not know that music stations, news also included), highlighting a story that had found that scientists like athletes take performance-enhancing drugs to perform better and be more awake when they were investigating.

scientists to build the future, the future is in research and if investigations are carried out by people with substances that alter your state of mind, which can happen, the future is a crazy world, or conversely that more prosperous future, because he always says that the top stars in every field, their best moments of inspiration have them when they are drunk or drugged.

Making a puppet vignette: in our profession there is research by professional and by teachers in universities, so you imagine a librarian positioned to investigate which method is most effective in meeting the needs of users, by God not to leave this cartoon in a newspaper that one sinks further the employment potential.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Brazillian Male Waxing Charlotte

Chincha Culture Chimu Culture

Between the valleys of Canete, Chincha, Pisco, Ica and Nazca. DISCOVERER

Among the scholars have to Federico Kauffmann Doig, in addition to the chronicles of the ages XVI (ethnohistorical source.) CHRONOLOGY

1200 AD. - 1460 AD. About.
class society, were governed by the Chinchay Capac.
economic power based on trade.
are considered the biggest merchants and fishermen of ancient Peru.
used for barter trade and currency (snails were copper hatchet.) CULTURAL ASPECTS

are the best traders and fishermen of ancient Peru.
highlighted in wood carving and sculpture. CERAMIC

Polychrome, used the red clay.
Decorated with geometric shapes, different characters, stylized birds and fish. Highlights
jars which were globular body, long neck with intermediate loop. Textiles

predominant cotton were the most prominent of the second regional development.

grown by Chincha, were most notable in the coastal cultures. Sculptures
human faces or masks carved in the trunk of huarango.
rudders made of wood. ARCHITECTURE

They used the adobe and rammed earth, they function civil and religious.
monumental architecture.
Blow: Tambo de Mora, The Sentinel, Tambo Colorado, Lurínchincha, San Pedro, The strength of Chuquimanco or Ungaro, Incahuasi.

Weekend Duffle Bag Pattern

The center is in the Moche valley, with its capital Chan Chan (La Libertad).
Expands from Tumbes to Barranca. DISCOVERER

Federico Max Uhle in 1902. CHRONOLOGY

1200 AD. - 1470 AD. Year in which the Incas conquered and dominated. GENERAL

Considered the best architects of ancient Peru. Chan Chan
Its capital is the city's largest barrra ancient Peru (20 km2).
class state and conqueror. Its founder was Tacainamo
(he of the seas). SOCIAL ORGANIZATION

class state and conqueror.
was a powerful political and social organization.
addition was aristocratic warrior society created by military conquest.
Social classes: The Chimúcapac (paramount chief), Alaec (regional leaders), and yanos (slaves and servants). ECONOMIC ORGANIZATION

Farming was the most important.
utilize and build large water projects as puquios, wachaques and irrigation.
were cultivated corn, beans, peanuts, chili, cotton and fruit trees (pacae, friar plum, Lucuma, avocado).
Fishing was another key activity for the sustenance in food. They used horses

are the best architects of ancient Peru.
Its supremacy as the best goldsmiths in dispute. CERAMIC

Monochrome, predominantly black. They used profusely
the mold, the technique of haste.
represent animals fruit, human figures, etc. Huacos
-jet black, huacos Whistling. ARCHITECTURE

The best architects of ancient Peru.
is given the maximum urban development, and used the adobe friezes and arabesques (ornaments on the walls). .
Chan Chan (Sun Sun) Chimu capital, considered the largest mud city.
Blow: The strength of Paramonga, The Wall Chimu (66 km).
Chan Chan, considered the largest adobe city

employed the gold, silver and copper.
casting techniques, hammering, soldering, gold, silver, embossed alloy.
made bracelets, nose rings, bracelets, etc. RELIGION

Moon Chimu headed deities and had a temple.
They followed the sun, constellations and the sea.
The sovereign was considered a deity.

Welcome Note For A New Doctors

Sicán or Lambayeque Culture

In the valley of Lambayeque

Izumi Shimada


Founder Naylamp who at death became the God Ave, the last king was Fempallec. Conquered by the Chimúes
A large gold (the Tumi or Illimo).
At Tumi is considered a "gold Machupichu."
Sicán: means Temple of the Moon.
Religion: God Naylamp.

theocratic state.
Its economy based on agriculture, trade and metallurgy.
wide used in agriculture irrigation system. In trade
conducted a regional and international trade. Possibly
handcrafted copper hatchet used as currency. CULTURAL ASPECTS

Highlighted in gold, in trade and pyramidal architecture.
addition of hydraulic engineering. CERAMIC

monochrome (black gray) highlighted the huaco King (appears Naylamp). ARCHITECTURE

pyramidal architecture.
The large administrative center - cultist corresponding property or Sicán Lambayeque culture was Batan Grande.
Blow: Túcume Apurlec. METALLURGY

reached a high technology. They
copper alloys, gold and silver. Also arsémico bronze. They met
embossing techniques, hammering and casting.
For the remains found, such as El Tumi or Illimo (Naylamp king flying) could be the best goldsmiths of ancient Peru. Consideration
which was attributed to the Chimu (there is little evidence of its metallurgy).

was found in the Huaca Loro is inside the archaeological complex Poma - Batan Grande (Lambayeque). Discovered by Isumi
Shimada in 1989. Mr
Sican was a regional leader Sicán half period (950 AD. - 1150 AD.). Sipan
It differs from the time they were developed, moreover, that Sican was a regional leader while a Sipan local cacique.

Monday, October 13, 2008

What Is Naphthalene Colour

Huari City was its capital, located 25 km northwest of Ayacucho, near the plains of Quinoa.

Peruvian archaeologist Luis Guillermo Lumbreras in 1969. CHRONOLOGY

700 AD. - 1200 AD. About. GENERAL

Huari is the fusion of Nazca, Tiahuanaco with Huarpa (cultural symbiosis).
was a centralized state.
They produced an urban revolution. Your maximum
oracle was Pachacamac.
Regarded as the first empire in ancient Peru. SOCIAL ORGANIZATION

centralized state and expansive.
was Panandina.
fusion is given political power with the magical authority - religious.
Broadcast urban structure and the use of platforms. They are like God
main Wiracocha. They have
Quechua language and ecological control. ECONOMIC ORGANIZATION

The main challenge was to achieve a surplus production to feed the class divorced from production and storage of supplies.
He became the great market Andean world supply better place, it was kind of a stopping.
excelled in trade. CULTURAL ASPECTS

produced an urban revolution. Cult
Ceramics in quantities. CERAMIC

Polychrome (cream, red, brown and black). Tiahuanaco
picked up both the iconography and the shape. Of the Nazca
took the brilliance in color. Notable
ceremonial bowls and cups.
Lots of mold-made utilitarian pottery, increase the quantity but the quality decreases. ARCHITECTURE

made an impressive Urban Revolution, highlights the urban planning, founded numerous cities named headings region whose objective was control of the subject peoples.
The settlement is home to a large-scale craft production.
Blow: Huari city was a center of worship leadership and management of production, storage place for food and craft production, worked as a market. RELIGION

supreme God, Viracocha, also called visco or weeping God or God of the poles or staves.
built cities oracles: Cajamarquilla, Pachacamac (most important).

used a method of accounting and control are the possible creators of the quipus (called wrapped).
In the textile art reached levels of excellence.
Fine fabrics, bright colors. They used wires
alpaca and vicuña.
However, all fabrics found belong to the coast in the Andean region because it is difficult to preserve.

Bare Buttocks In Public

Huari Culture Culture Culture

was located between the valleys of Chancay, Chillon, Rimac and Lurin.

CHRONOLOGY 100 AD. - 800 AD. Or so.

They dominated the priests and merchants.
Agriculture, is also devoted to fishing.
huaca Existence or ceremonial center of worship. They made
sport hunting. ARCHITECTURE

was monumental, and stepped pyramids used used the adobe.
They performed rituals and business meetings.
built canals and aqueducts. CERAMIC

is divided into three stages:

1. Huacos were simple, painted on a red background with white lines.
2. Tricolor pottery, huacos fine figures of fish, snakes and different lines.
3. Improved ceramic was tretacolor (red, white, black and gray). Textiles

was an important activity.
robes were found made of cotton and wool from llamas with drawings of interlocking motifs (lines, fish, snakes).

About Kaya Skin Clinic

Lima Nazca Tiahuanaco Culture

LOCATION The Collao Plateau about 21 km southeast of Lake Titicaca in present-day Bolivia, 4000 meters

The Reporter Pedro Cieza de Leon in 1551. CHRONOLOGY

200 AD. - 1000 AD. Or so.
covers the early and middle part of the Middle Horizon. GENERAL

Tiahuanaco Meaning: sit huanaco. Taypicala original name.
are potential creators of the ayllu.
theocratic state - a clearing house. They used

Society of shepherds and warriors.
theocratic state (rule by priests), settler (expansionist).
They are considered the creators of the ayllu. ECONOMIC ORGANIZATION

The base was agriculture and livestock (over important). We monitor
vertical ecological zones. They created
food resource islands (archipelagos system). Criaron
llamas. They made the trade
: used the jerky, potato, bronze.
advanced technology development supported by the use of raised fields (ridge), hydraulic works and the exploitation of the lakes.
used the Waru Waru (chakras high frost). CULTURAL ASPECTS

excel in monumental architecture, sculpture and ceramics. CERAMIC

Polychrome (red, white, orange [is the predominates]).
The ceremonial cup (kero).
zoomorphic vessel (cauldron). Presents
biomorphic shapes, surreal and figurative motifs, emblems become progressively simplified to geometric (the staircase sign). Representations
naturists as pumas, llamas, condors and snakes. ARCHITECTURE

was monumental.
They used copper nails to attach blocks of stone. The monumental architecture
used large stones, carved and polished with great perfection. Tiahuanaco
should form a major center for ceremonies and worship, as well as production management and inter-Andean distribution of seeds and foods.
Blow: Acapana, Kalasasaya Pumapuncu, Temple, Putuni, etc.
The Chullpas have their roots here.

Covers monolithic stone sculptures made of stone, great monoliths with anthropomorphic (Benett, Ponce), smaller sculptures. METALLURGY

Discovery of the bronze (copper alloy with tin). Rolled gold is used. RELIGION

state religion was imposed.
main God, the God of the rods on the cover of the sun: Wiracocha (God of the canes).

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Most Efficient Lightingchart

Charra:" The Palestinian Mocedá Baxo the Zionist occupation "GREAT FOLIXA HEREXE

prósimu vienres Esti, 10 d'Ochobre, will have local nel Llug Sestaferia a charro-debate on the situation of Palestinian Mocedá.

ENTAM a les 6 pm, and how much involvement queue: Juani Ruiz Sánchez, a member of the Committees of Salu, and the FIU, George Rismahwi, Mozu palestinu who lived to be 18 years nel guetu formáu muru Zionist pol.

ye llibre input.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Imagens De Hannah Montana

was developed in the area bounded by the valleys of Chincha, Pisco, Ica, Rio Grande (Nazca), Acari and Mill Valley. DISCOVERER

Federico Max Uhle in 1901. CHRONOLOGY

100 AD. - 700 AD. Or so. GENERAL

Its earliest record found in early stages of Paracas - Ocucaje.
Considered the best astronomers and painters of ancient Peru. They had a military state.
base its economy was in agriculture.
Geoglyphs Importance of Nazca.

militarist state, aristocratic and warrior. They were headhunters
trophy. Its capital was Cahuachi
, considered as the main administrative and religious center of the Nazca. ECONOMIC ORGANIZATION

based primarily on agriculture.
Like the Moche performed hydraulic engineering due to very dry habitat.
Considered the best hydraulic engineers of ancient Peru.
were developed in the trade, extending their relationships into the jungle, Ayacucho and the Collao. CULTURAL ASPECTS

excel in ceramics (Painters), astronomy (Geoglifos), hydraulic engineering (aqueducts), architecture (Cahuachi). CERAMIC

are the best painters of ancient Peru.
finest ceramics were eminent artists. Technical
abhors a vacuum (total paint).
is polychrome handle bridge divergent beak, globular form. They used more than fifteen

are considered the best astronomers. Evidence
possible Nazca lines, discovered Xesspe Toribio Mejia (1927).
Among the performances are: according to Mejia Xesspe ceques or roads are ceremonial, as would a zodiac Paul Kosok Andes, according to Maria Reiche would be an agricultural calendar. Current theory: an area of \u200b\u200breligious rites. ARCHITECTURE

They used the rectangular adobe, are considered creators of the city (Cahuachi, the oldest).
Cahuachi is realized in human sacrifice. RELIGION

supreme God, a being anthropomorphic (cat, fish and poultry).
were hunter gatherers, hunters of trophy heads.
human sacrifices.

were studied by Maria Reiche.
paths are geoglyphs on the desert plains.
These sets of lines and fills, triangular and rectangular with more than one hundred drawings in spiral designs ornitomorfos including 18, 10 zoomorfo with representations of fish, a monkey, a spider, a number of anthropomorphic figures and other difficult to identify .

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Need Funny Wordings For Wedding Invitation

Paracas Culture Mochica

LOCATION On the northern coast, swept through the valleys of the political regions of Lambayeque, La Libertad and Ancash.

Federico Max Uhle in 1902.

100 AD to 700 AD or so. It is contemporary Nazca, Tiahuanaco and Lima. GENERAL

Its origins are cultural expressions of Salinas, or Gallinazo Viru. Potential impact

Its capital city was in the Moche River basin, where it functioned as a sacred city and ceremonial (seat of government).
Considered the best potters of ancient Peru. Discovery of the Lord of Sipan in 1997 by Walter Alva. SOCIAL ORGANIZATION

State class and military.
were ruled by a warrior priest (Ciequich).
There is a very marked social stratification.
social classes: nobility military (Ciequich) Alaec (subordinate kings), the priestly caste (people with extensive knowledge), people (peasants, artisans and traders), slaves (prisoners of war). ECONOMIC ORGANIZATION

The base was in irrigated agriculture because of low rainfall on the coast.
also on marine and deer hunting.
corn was a culture of better quality. They made
waterworks: irrigation canals, also used Guano as fertilizer. CULTURAL ASPECTS

Considered the best potters of ancient Peru, also made an excellent metallurgy, water conservancy, architecture, etc.. CERAMIC

valuable information is available on the economic, social and religious life of the Moche, provided by them in his ceramic sculptures. Called
illustrated dictionary, the best potters, was bichrome, sculpture, realistic and documentary. They
painted ceramics. Huacos
erotic (fertility rites). Huacos
pathological (disease).

(marked) made a mold, mud tax.
appear pyramids with ramps and entrances.
Huaca del Sol (Aia PAEG worship God) was the largest in South America.
Huaca de la Luna (cult of the dead) was the most important huaca.
Sipan (Lord of Sipan tomb). RELIGION

the beheader
supreme God "Aia PAEG (Larco Hoyle.)
is a supernatural being the highest rank magic - religious.
human sacrifices were made. WRITING

According Larco Hoyle had a script called pallariforme likely (based on the Pallas).
According to Tello are gambling chips. METALLURGY

excel in producing a variety of metallurgy and above all an incredible amount of symbolic emblems and jewelry used in ceremonies by the leaders and eventually were buried with their owner (Sipan).
worked gold, silver, copper and tumbaga (gold alloy - copper).


Video: The Lord of Sipan (Source Explore Film)

was found by the Peruvian archaeologist Walter Alva in April 1987.
Located at Sipan (Lambayeque) in Sipan.
His age would be 1700 years. Mr. died between 30 and 40 years of age from unknown causes.
With him were three women, two warriors, a boy, his dog, two llamas, all buried in coffins made of cane. In an upper layer was found the mummified remains of one individual who had foot amputees (guardian of the tomb).
currently found in The Museum of Lambayeque.
Its importance is that the tomb was found intact, it is also regarded as the first coffin found in Peru and America.
It is called the "Tutankhamun Peru. "