Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Can Asthma Turn Into Other Diseases

CAREER (4): Officials

start this post, as Jose Navarrete began in the Second Conference of Library and Information professionals: Most of your relatives, and with more momentum your grandmother is saying, my son adopted a competition.

Doing a competition, it's like anything, you have to like, has its drawbacks and its advantages. The biggest advantage is the salary, you have a fixed salary and normally something suggestive. But I say again, you have to like, because there as elsewhere, there are people working, that having a steady job for life, not stagnate, are dynamic and create new initiatives are always moving from one place to another to formed in this and that. And there are people who like and are fixed, as you get, I do my job, which send and point and ball. But this not only in the civil case, occurs in all areas of life. So if you are a dynamic person and you enter a work environment very passive, just keep what they send you, because as we commonly say, more sales burnt an Indian pipe.

Plus you have to know that there are various categories of competitions are national competitions, which are what draws the Ministry of Culture or any other Ministry with respect to Archives, Libraries and Museums (out of a documentary but a few). These have the disadvantage that if you do not have mobility within the country, because if you pass the opposition and you get go to the Basque Country have a problem, but thinks it's a steady job with good pay and when within 3 or 4 years can start to ask for transfer to your usual area of \u200b\u200bresidence. These objections come in the BOE

Other types of competitions are at regional level, these jurisdictions must leave offered in the official Gazette of the Community, in Andalusia is the BOJA (each community has its own), but sometimes to be of value in the BOJA announcement should also being published in the Official Gazette. In this type of competitions you must also have geographical mobility, but this time within the community in which you present.

And the last group to explain, are the opposition at the local level, are places that are taken primarily to cover posts of librarians and archivists, and are usually places in the scale of Auxiliary scales do not take higher places, otherwise they to pay more. This square has the advantage that if left in your town, no need mobility geographically, but has the disadvantage that the vast majority of places on offer, and have names, people working in a lot of good friends with the mayor and government team. So if you want to work in your village, Work it, and make friends with your mayor and if you already are, ask for a permanent position.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Calculations By Ansel

CAREER (3): Private Company

This type of output, is nothing new, any race, any course, any kind of training or no training have the possibility of going to work in a private company.

But in our sector, we must see what kind of private enterprises are demanding professionals with our training. In a way I can show you some guidance profiles companies in which we work:
  • private archives and libraries. Whether of organizations, foundations, associations, private hospitals ... Televisions
  • private sector: as audivisual documentary.
  • private documentation centers, whether they are businesses that are information centers or companies that contain a documentation center.
  • Law Firm, as a documentary on legal matters.

These are rough examples of where you can work in private enterprise. For this we have the advantage that there is no opposition to do with our training we can aspire to work for the company that requires a professional with our profile, but it happens that we have the dreaded job interview (unless we plug) must compete with highly trained people in training and experience as a council, it is noteworthy about them, there should be different something, so that each look within itself to find its differences with the other applicants to convince he is the best at that job.

Another problem to consider is that only know that we need in very large companies and these are normally found in Madrid, Barcelona and some big capital of our country. So I recommend you do not see it as a problem in big cities who are away from our people, must see as a future to be built where we call.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

How Long For Temazepam


With what I have to comment today, does not mean that everything is equal, that all investigations of the same sin, because there is work that really shows the great research work involved.

But my poor opinion, there are many times you read articles, read thesis ... hoping to find a real work of research, especially in the thesis, because not all items have to be scientific. But do not you have the feeling that many articles are written by write?, What matters now is to publish, post and publish, but what is there to publish?, never mind, you have to do is post.

This also can enhance the theme of the fellows, research groups have in their squads fellows which is commissioned a research paper for later publication, these fellows have you tracked their work and methodology ?, because surely this fellow does not have expertise to publish and conduct research work, so that you do your best intentions but the quality may be mediocre or even unknowingly by shortcomings in their methodology, the results are false . But of course you have to publish, and you have to publish on time, how? and that everyone who seeks the tricks.

So in my opinion, the quality of research are turning to the quantity at the expense of quality.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Propane Furnace Flame Color


As I said in another post on career, there is an exit that can be teaching, but not all teaching has to be in college with the subsequent investigations. There is also the possibility of teaching in other schools.

centers in which teachers can include:
  • training centers, you can find them developing courses for desempleandos FPO also specialized courses for professionals, these courses may be virtual or in person , as new technologies have the option to do it this way. Preparer
  • oppositions which after passing some opposition can begin to prepare future professionals that become part of professional staff of the state.
  • Teaching at your own risk, going to schools where demand your services and offer your courses or design courses according to demands. CAP
  • you out and introduce you to a competition of teacher or master classes and give examples of "information science" or be in charge of the school library

By this I show another possibility of escape for those who have teacher by vocation, teacher, teacher ultimately, does not have to be a teacher, having to investigate.

trateré The next day the issue of quality of current research.

Friday, May 1, 2009

How To Get Rid Of Dowagers Hump


Right now I'm getting ready to leave my people to cross the bridge, I will give rest to the employment potential, remember that I must follow for other teaching options, but now we have the party peace, and will comment a Notice to watching the news I read is in the right side of my blog, where I have chosen to display all the news about libraries, librarians, archives, archivists, and I saw the headline:

Chile: Postpones trial of Elena Varela and other documentary portal Argenpress.info (press Argentina to worldwide)

And I thought, but the filmmakers are so bad we have to commit crime to survive, I've abirteo the link, and I've read. And quiet, we're not so bad documentary, this news means that Elena Varela and his companions all these journalists who are dedicated to documentaries made a documentary a few years ago on the violation of human rights in Chile and it seems that they do not liked to authorities.

understand that we are in another country and be called on journalists doing documentary "documentary", then how are referred to information professionals working for example in a documentation center is the type that is?. It makes me think that in this country are so behind the defense and development of our profession that may not have a branch established profession, because his name is within other areas such as administration, another proof of this is that there an association for the support of the documentary " DOCA " and is a cinematic page specializing in documentaries.