CAREER (4): Officials
start this post, as Jose Navarrete began in the Second Conference of Library and Information professionals: Most of your relatives, and with more momentum your grandmother is saying, my son adopted a competition.
Doing a competition, it's like anything, you have to like, has its drawbacks and its advantages. The biggest advantage is the salary, you have a fixed salary and normally something suggestive. But I say again, you have to like, because there as elsewhere, there are people working, that having a steady job for life, not stagnate, are dynamic and create new initiatives are always moving from one place to another to formed in this and that. And there are people who like and are fixed, as you get, I do my job, which send and point and ball. But this not only in the civil case, occurs in all areas of life. So if you are a dynamic person and you enter a work environment very passive, just keep what they send you, because as we commonly say, more sales burnt an Indian pipe.
Plus you have to know that there are various categories of competitions are national competitions, which are what draws the Ministry of Culture or any other Ministry with respect to Archives, Libraries and Museums (out of a documentary but a few). These have the disadvantage that if you do not have mobility within the country, because if you pass the opposition and you get go to the Basque Country have a problem, but thinks it's a steady job with good pay and when within 3 or 4 years can start to ask for transfer to your usual area of \u200b\u200bresidence. These objections come in the BOE
Other types of competitions are at regional level, these jurisdictions must leave offered in the official Gazette of the Community, in Andalusia is the BOJA (each community has its own), but sometimes to be of value in the BOJA announcement should also being published in the Official Gazette. In this type of competitions you must also have geographical mobility, but this time within the community in which you present.
And the last group to explain, are the opposition at the local level, are places that are taken primarily to cover posts of librarians and archivists, and are usually places in the scale of Auxiliary scales do not take higher places, otherwise they to pay more. This square has the advantage that if left in your town, no need mobility geographically, but has the disadvantage that the vast majority of places on offer, and have names, people working in a lot of good friends with the mayor and government team. So if you want to work in your village, Work it, and make friends with your mayor and if you already are, ask for a permanent position.
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