Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Calculations By Ansel

CAREER (3): Private Company

This type of output, is nothing new, any race, any course, any kind of training or no training have the possibility of going to work in a private company.

But in our sector, we must see what kind of private enterprises are demanding professionals with our training. In a way I can show you some guidance profiles companies in which we work:
  • private archives and libraries. Whether of organizations, foundations, associations, private hospitals ... Televisions
  • private sector: as audivisual documentary.
  • private documentation centers, whether they are businesses that are information centers or companies that contain a documentation center.
  • Law Firm, as a documentary on legal matters.

These are rough examples of where you can work in private enterprise. For this we have the advantage that there is no opposition to do with our training we can aspire to work for the company that requires a professional with our profile, but it happens that we have the dreaded job interview (unless we plug) must compete with highly trained people in training and experience as a council, it is noteworthy about them, there should be different something, so that each look within itself to find its differences with the other applicants to convince he is the best at that job.

Another problem to consider is that only know that we need in very large companies and these are normally found in Madrid, Barcelona and some big capital of our country. So I recommend you do not see it as a problem in big cities who are away from our people, must see as a future to be built where we call.


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